Welcome to the Nutrition Blog for the Georgia State University Student Recreation Center. The Department of Recreational Services promotes healthy life-styles through exceptional recreational programs, services, and facilities. This blog is kept up to date by the Graduate Dietetic Students. If you have any questions feel free to stop by the Student Recreation Center, Room 150 (Inside the Fitness Center) and talk to us. We hope you enjoy!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lipids Don't Lie

Have you ever had your lipid levels checked?  What exactly are lipid levels you ask?  Lipids are found as cholesterol and triglycerides in our body.  Cholesterol is a necessary fat that our body uses to keep us healthy.  About 75% of our blood cholesterol is made by our body and the remaining comes from animal foods we eat.  Cholesterol is divided into HDL and LDL:

  • HDL is considered the “good” cholesterol and healthy levels have been shown to reduce risk for heart attack and stroke.  Exercise is a great way to lower your HDL
  • LDL is known as the “bad” cholesterol and too much of it can clog arteries and increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Triglycerides on the other hand come from foods we eat and are stored as fat in our bodies from eating too many calories.  Having high levels of triglycerides is also unhealthy and can lead to cardiovascular disease. 

While you may think you are in good health, it is important to get your lipids levels checked at your annual physical exam.  You may have high levels without even knowing it because symptoms can be silent. 

So what can you do to keep your cholesterol and triglyceride levels healthy?
·         Start your day with oatmeal.
·         Try a cholesterol-free egg substitute instead of whole eggs
·         Substitute regular pasta and white breads with whole grain versions
·         Reach for spices -- either while cooking or at the table. Liven up your dishes with oregano, basil, parsley, rosemary, thyme, cilantro, coriander, or cumin

Source:  American Heart Association www.heart.org 3/7/13

Karina Gomez, Ingrid Hill, and Kristan Stewart
Dietetic Interns and Graduate Students at Georgia State University

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Pawsitive Nutrition is a joint collaboration between the Division of Nutrition and the Department of Recreational Services at Georgia State University