Welcome to the Nutrition Blog for the Georgia State University Student Recreation Center. The Department of Recreational Services promotes healthy life-styles through exceptional recreational programs, services, and facilities. This blog is kept up to date by the Graduate Dietetic Students. If you have any questions feel free to stop by the Student Recreation Center, Room 150 (Inside the Fitness Center) and talk to us. We hope you enjoy!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Avoid Stress Eating During Final Exams

As exam time approaches, we are all feeling the pressure. Stress can affect the eating habits of everyone differently. Some people change their meal schedule due to around-the-clock study sessions; some overindulge in snack foods without even thinking about it; some forget to eat altogether.
With a few simple strategies, you can avoid stress eating and fuel your mind for success! 
1. Give food your focus.  Take a break from studying to enjoy food. Both eating and studying deserve your full attention.  
2. Recognize cues. It's not uncommon for a clean plate to dictate the end of a meal.  Instead, let your feeling of fullness dictate the ending point in your meal. 
3. Slow down!  It takes time for the brain to recognize hunger signals. We often eat so quickly that we don't notice when we've had enough.
4. Use your senses.  Get the full eating experience by using sight, smell, taste, and even sound to enjoy your food.
5. Get enough sleep. When you’re tired, you may be more prone to mindless eating. Maintaining a consistent schedule through finals can help to keep your mind sharp and your eating habits on track.
6. Keep quick healthy snacks on hand:
·         Berries (frozen or fresh) with a handful of dry-roasted nuts
·         Raisins and peanut butter on celery
·         Whole grain crackers (like Triscuits) with string cheese
·         Fat-free or low-fat Yogurt with low-fat granola
·         Low-fat cottage cheese with bell pepper and cucumber slices or fruit
·         Carrot sticks (or other fresh veggies or whole wheat pita) and hummus
·         Plain popcorn with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese

For more information, visit the nutrition booth at the Relax & Exhale event!

Monday, April 29 • 5 - 7 p.m. in the Rec center
Take a break before studying for finals, rejuvenate, relax and relieve tension with light physical activity and relaxation activities. All FREE!!

Carolyn Morris, Olivia Middleton, and Monica Grages
Dietetic Interns and Graduate Students at Georgia State University 

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Pawsitive Nutrition is a joint collaboration between the Division of Nutrition and the Department of Recreational Services at Georgia State University