Welcome to the Nutrition Blog for the Georgia State University Student Recreation Center. The Department of Recreational Services promotes healthy life-styles through exceptional recreational programs, services, and facilities. This blog is kept up to date by the Graduate Dietetic Students. If you have any questions feel free to stop by the Student Recreation Center, Room 150 (Inside the Fitness Center) and talk to us. We hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Beat Stress and Stay Healthy During Finals

It’s hard to believe spring semester is almost over and final exams are already here! The stress finals bring can be overwhelming. Try these tips to stay healthy during finals and alleviate some stress.

Get Adequate Sleep
Shoot for 8 hours of sleep a night. Not enough sleep can lead to poor cognition and concentration. A good night’s sleep will help you do your best on your finals.  Remember coffee and energy drinks are not a replacement for sleep.

Slow Down! 
During times of stress, we often eat quickly and don't notice when we've had enough.  It takes time for the brain to recognize fullness. Practice mindful eating and pay attention to sight, smell, taste and even sound for the most enjoyable eating experience.

Stay Hydrated
Even mild dehydration can negatively influence mood, energy levels and the ability to think clearly. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. For a refreshing twist try adding cucumber or lime to your water.

Sweat Away the Stress
Exercise is a natural stress reliever. The GSU Recreation Center offers a variety of classes such as yoga, spin, Zumba, ab blast, and kickboxing. If you can’t make it to a class, you can always hop on the elliptical or the treadmill for an energizing cardio workout.

Well-nourished Minds Function Better
Both eating and studying deserve your full attention. Your brain needs energy to perform its best. Don’t forget to bring a healthy snack when you are studying on the go (coffee shops, library, a friend’s dorm room). See the recipe below.

Make your Own Trail Mix Recipe

Pick and choose from the ingredients below to make a healthy snack for your next study break.

Nuts and Seeds
Almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds 

Great sources of protein packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals antioxidants and heart-healthy fats. Tip: Look for lightly salted or unsalted varieties and make sure to stick to 1/4 cup of these calorie dense foods.

Savory Mix-ins
Popcorn, pretzels, whole-grain cereals, edamame 

Whole grains and pretzels are less calorically dense than nuts. They help increase your fiber intake and add variety to your trail mix. Edamame is also high in fiber, as well as protein.
Tip: Look for lightly salted or unsalted varieties.

Sweet Mix-ins

Dried fruits (cranberries, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, raisins, bananas, apricots), unsweetened coconut, 60% cacao chocolate chips 

Dried fruit contains potassium, magnesium, fiber and antioxidants. Dark chocolate is also high in antioxidants and adds a little bit of decadence with less sugar.
Tip: Check the ingredients list to find no sugar added or unsweetened options.

Created by Coordinated Program Nutrition Students Megan Beasley and Melissa Vigdor

Wansink, Brian. Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think. Random House Digital, Inc., 2010.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was also nervous during my finals and all the tests in general! http://livecustomwriting.com/blog/tips-for-students-how-to-beat-stress has helped me to deal with this problem!


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Pawsitive Nutrition is a joint collaboration between the Division of Nutrition and the Department of Recreational Services at Georgia State University